New Original Works Festival

Beginning in 2007 and continuing through 2013, I oversaw an open-call proposal process for the creation and presentation of new original works by artists in the Southern California region.
I enlisted a range of artists and curators in a shared review—including Adelina Anthony, Erin Boberg Doughton, Angela Mattox, Edgar Miramontes, Laurel Kishi, Renae Williams, and many more—while crafting the annual program into its public form.


Collage Dance Theatre

Elke Luyten and Kira Alker

Hans Fjellestad

Kelly Marie Martin and David Jones

Lars Jan / Early Morning Opera

Lux Boreal

Shinichi Iova-Koga

Rodney Mason


Anne LeBaron and Douglas Kearney

Baker & Tarpaga Dance Project

Cloud Eye Control

Kristina Wong

Ledges and Bones Dance Project

Lionel Popkin

Poor Dog Group

Rosanna Gamson / World Wide

Theatre Movement Bazaar


Ayana Hampton

Carole Kim and Alex Cline

Jennifer the Leopard

Lauren Weedman

Lars Jan / Early Morning Opera

Meg Wolfe

Sheetal Gandhi

Zackary Drucker, Mariana Marroquin and Wu Ingrid Tsang


Alexandro Segade

Christine Marie

Hana van der Kolk


Maureen Huskey

Miwa Matreyek

Rae Shao-Lan Blum and Tashi Wada

Raphael Xavier


Cindy Derby

Lucky Dragons

Marissa Chibás

Michel Kouakou

Robert Cucuzza

Rosanna Gamson / World Wide

Timur Bekbosunov and the Dime Museum

Victoria Marks


Emily Mast

Heather Woodbury

Jinku Kim

Melanie Rios Glaser


Opera Povera

Poor Dog Group

Prumsodun Ok

Susan Simpson


Christine Marie

Daniel Corral

Deena Selenow, Paul Fraser and Genevieve Gearhart

Jennie Liu

Mecca Vazie Andrews

Morgan Thorson

Samantha Goodman

Tyler Matthew Oyer

Waewdao Sirisook and Ronnarong Khampha


Show Box L.A. (2014–2015)